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  • The flag corps made rectangular flags for their new half-time routine. Each flag measured 12 inches in width and 16 inches in length. The design called for gold ribbon to be sewn around the edges and down the diagonal of the flag as shown. About or approximately how many inches of ribbon were needed for the design?


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  • Mr. George wants to build a fence for his wife's vegetable garden. The garden will be in the shape of a rectangle with the length 5 feet more than the width. Which
    equation defines P, the number of feet of fencing Mr. George needs to order, in
    terms of w, the width of the garden?

    P = 2w + 5
    P = 2w + 10
    P = 4w + 5
    P = 4w + 10

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  • A conveyer belt in an assembly plant must be replaced. What is the length of the shortest belt that will fit around the two rollers as shown?

    (12 + 2π) meters
    (12 + 4π) meters
    (24 + 2π) meters
    (24 + 4π) meters

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