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FL 00-01 Reading Grade 8

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  • What is the author's purpose in writing this story?

    to encourage the reader to achieve fame and fortune.
    to demonstrate to the reader the effects of growing pains.
    to entertain the reader with an amusing story about a teenager.
    to prove to the reader that an adult knows more than a teenager.

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  • What is Garrett's main goal in life?

    to achieve fame in athletics
    to be important and admired
    to have secretaries and assistants
    to own a convertible and a car telephone

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  • Why is Garrett so absent-minded?

    His imagination carries him away.
    His laziness keeps him from concentrating.
    His parents put too much pressure on him to do his chores.
    His teachers make him spend too much time on schoolwork.

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  • Which sentence best characterizes Garrett's attitude toward chores and homework?

    Choires are more important than homework.
    He should be paid for chores and homework.
    Homework and chores will not matter when he is famous.
    There is not enough time to do both chores and homework.

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  • Garrett holds the dinner rollt o his ear to

    act like a clown
    annoy his parents
    pretend it is a car telephone
    block out his mother's voice

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  • The author wants the reader to think that Garrett

    is lazy by nature

    is a poor student

    has a bright future
    has a vivid imagination

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  • The author's main point about AVECMs is that they

    provide an alternative to roadblocks
    offer a safer method to catch suspects

    can form an electrical barrier to stop cars

    may be used to eliminate high-speed chases

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  • How are the two types of AVECM units different?

    One rests on the ground; the other shoots from a police car.
    One alerts the police; the other alerts the neighborhood watch.
    One punctures the vehicle's tires; the other stops it electronically.
    One stops the car; the ohter locates it on the police station's map.

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  • The letters "IR" in IRIS probably stand for


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  • Which part of the CairnsIRIS assists a firefighter in rescuing concealed victims in a burning building?

    sensors that detect lifeforms
    sensors that gauge heat intensity
    infared "eyes" that detect movement
    infrared "eyes" that sense temperature

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  • Which statement is the weakest argument for using CairnsIRIS?

    Firefighters may be at risk without it.
    It is being used by several fire departments.
    The device can detect many unseen dangers.
    This technology helps locate unconscious victims.

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  • What is the author's purpose in writing "Stop That Car!" and "Electronic Eyes"?

    to warn the reader about dangers that exist
    to inform the reader about new and safer technology
    to entertain the reader by describing frightening situations
    to encourage the reader to become a police officer or firefighter

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