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Oregon - Science - Grade 8 - Benchmark 3 - 2003-2005

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  • Figure 1 shows a toy submarine being held beneath the water surface. The weight of the submarine, 0.5 Newton (N), tends to pull the submarine to the bottom of the container. A buoyant force of 0.8 N, created by the volume of water displaced by the submarine, tens to push the submarine toward the surface. When the person releases the toy submarine,

    the sub will rise toward the surface.
    the sub will sink toward the bottom.
    the sub will stay at the same level.
    we can’t tell what the sub will do from this data.

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  • You are given a flask with a mixture of salt and water and asked to separate the two. You could

    use an electric current to separate the salt from the water.
    evaporate the water and collect the salt.
    put it under the microscope to separate the salt and water.
    let the salt settle out and pour off the pure water from the top.

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  • Your body uses food as an energy source to move your muscles. This is an example of what type of energy conversion?

    Chemical to mechanical
    Mechanical to electrical
    Mechanical to chemical
    Electrical to mechanical

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  • A stream will probably deposit the most sand and silt where the stream bed is

    narrow and level.
    narrow and steep.
    wide and level.
    wide and steep.

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  • Compared to coastal areas, interior areas of a large continent tend to have

    higher amounts of rainfall throughout the year.
    a greater incidence of fog during summer months.
    an increased risk of hurricanes during the spring months.
    more extreme temperature differences between winter and summer.

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  • Alfred Wegner’s Theory of Continental Drift was not well accepted because he couldn’t say what force could be big enough to move continents. Current theories explain this movement with

    subduction zones at continental margins.
    hot spots forming under continents.
    magnetic reversals of the north and south poles.
    convection currents in the mantle.

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  • Shown below are 4 species of finches, derived from a common ancestor. These species inhabit the same island. Which of the following BEST explains the appearance of these birds’ beaks?

    by the larger birds on the smaller birds led to a decreased population of the smaller birds.
    Competition for limited food resources led to an increased similarity among species.
    Predation by the larger birds on the smaller birds led to an increased fitness of the smaller birds.
    Competition for limited food resources led to an increased diversity among species.

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  • An example of a predator-prey relationship would be

    tree - water.
    cow - grass.
    hawk - mouse.
    tick - dog.

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  • Which of the following characteristics are you most likely to inherit from a parent?

    Eye color
    Food preference

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  • Many plants reproduce asexually. How does the genetic material (DNA) compare between the new plant and the parent plant in this type of reproduction?

    It is similar but not identical.
    It depends on the plant the parent is crossed with.
    It depends on the climate it is grown in.
    It is identical.

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  • COASTING BICYCLES: Alfredo and his friends rode their bikes on a bike path. The path was perfectly level, except where it went up over a small bridge and then came back down. There was no wind. The picture below shows a side view of the shape of the path they followed. They had a contest to see who could coast the farthest. They pedaled as fast as they could from point 1 to point 2, and then they stopped pedaling and coasted to a stop at point 7. Of points 3, 4 and 5, at which point did their bikes travel fastest?

    They went about the same speed at all three points.

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  • COASTING BICYCLES: Alfredo and his friends rode their bikes on a bike path. The path was perfectly level, except where it went up over a small bridge and then came back down. There was no wind. The picture below shows a side view of the shape of the path they followed. They had a contest to see who could coast the farthest. They pedaled as fast as they could from point 1 to point 2, and then they stopped pedaling and coasted to a stop at point 7. Which of the following would NOT have helped them coast farther?

    Crouching low over their bikes while coasting
    Swerving their bikes from side to side
    Pumping more air into their tires
    Oiling the wheel bearings

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  • COASTING BICYCLES: Alfredo and his friends rode their bikes on a bike path. The path was perfectly level, except where it went up over a small bridge and then came back down. There was no wind. The picture below shows a side view of the shape of the path they followed. They had a contest to see who could coast the farthest. They pedaled as fast as they could from point 1 to point 2, and then they stopped pedaling and coasted to a stop at point 7. Their bikes were accelerating between points

    1 and 2.
    2 and 3.
    3 and 4.
    5 and 6.

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  • ROCK CYCLE: The erosion and deposition phase of the rock cycle is shown by which numeral?


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  • ROCK CYCLE: The numeral III indicates the process of

    compaction and cementation.
    erosion and deposition.
    cooling and crystallization.

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  • ROCK CYCLE: While digging, a person found that most of the rocks were igneous rock. What can be concluded?

    The rocks were probably carried there by ancient people.
    The area was once covered by an ocean.
    A glacier passed through at one time.
    A volcano was nearby at one time.

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  • WATER CYCLE: Identify the processes in the water cycle below and answer the following question. At point A, what process in the water cycle is taking place?


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  • A ROAD RACE: Some students are taking part in a community running race. Five minutes into the race, what happens in the students’ circulatory system?

    The heart pumps more blood to the legs.
    The muscles start to tighten.
    Fluids pour into the stomach.
    The lungs need more air.

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  • A ROAD RACE: Some students are taking part in a community running race. Ten minutes into the race, the students are perspiring or sweating. Which human body system is now involved?

    Nervous system
    Respiratory system
    Skeletal system
    Excretory system

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  • A ROAD RACE: Some students are taking part in a community running race. One of the students falls and sprains an ankle. A part of which system is now injured?

    Circulatory system
    Respiratory system
    Skeletal system
    Nervous system

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©2006 gabe lerner (gabe)