Name | Teresa Alford |
Birthday | 12/21/1959 17 days left! |
Highest Education | Bachelor's Degree |
School 1 | Name: Purdue University City: West Lafayette State: IN Major: Agriculture Finance Major 2: Math Education Degree: BS Year: 1982 and 1993
School 2 | Name: Ivy Tech Communtiy Scollege City: Lafayette State: IN Major: Medical Assisting Minor: Minor 2: Medical Insurance Coding Year: 2007 Technical c
Occupation | Work at Home Age |
Job Description | I work for several different companies from home. I take calls for info-commercials, PBS TV and Radio pledges, Wounded Warrior, World Wildlife Federation, and ASPCA. I also sign people up in Texas for Energy and I do loans over the phone as well and I am also a chat resource for the company that I take loans for. |
Career Skills | I have completed training for medical transcription at Ivy Tech Community College but was never able to find a job at any of the local hospitals since no one ever quits their job as a medical transcriptionist. All the work at home companies want you to have experience, but a person can't get experience if you can't find a job. So most of this will be a refresher course for me. |
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