Name | Jared Feldman |
Birthday | 1/13/1992 38 days left! |
Description | I like to snowboard... |
Shared Email | |
AIM | Infusionx187x |
Mobile Phone | 528-2797 |
City | RL |
State | IL |
Country | US of A |
Hometown | RL |
Languages Spoken | English |
Interests | Snowboarding... |
Music | Dethklok! |
Elementary School | Name: Indian Hill City: Round Lake State: IL Zip: 60073
Middle School | Name: Round Lake Middle Scholl City: Round Lake State: IL Zip: 60073
High School | Name: Round Lake Senior High School City: Round Lake State: IL Zip: 60073
Highest Education | High School |
Occupation | Student |
Industry | Education |
Job Title | Student |
Job Description | I do homework... |
Personal Page |
JaredF's page