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OR - 2002-2003 - Social Science

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  • What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

    To say how much Americans should pay in taxes
    To protect freedoms like freedom of speech
    To describe the jobs of the President and Congress
    To make Washington, D.C. the capital of the United States

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  • What happens to most of the bills introduced in the House of Representatives?

    They become laws.
    They are passed but then vetoed by the President.
    They are passed by the House but not by the Senate.
    They are never sent by committees to the full House.

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  • Which of the following illustrates the idea of “checks and balances” that are part of the United States government?

    The President can veto a bill sent by Congress.
    The Speaker of the House of Representatives can be from any political party.
    Case rulings from lower courts can be appealed to higher courts.
    The Vice President succeeds a President who dies in office.

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  • Imagine that a person was convicted of stealing a candy bar and sentenced to 50 years in prison. He or she might challenge the sentence by citing the amendment about

    due process.
    cruel and unusual punishment.
    freedom of the press
    search and seizure.

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  • Which would most likely be true in a totalitarian system?

    Citizens enjoy great personal freedom.
    Political parties compete actively in national elections.
    There are few checks on the powers of the ruler.
    Private organizations have great influence on government.

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  • Which of the following would probably increase the price of electricity?

    Large new deposits of coal and natural gas are discovered.
    The power company finds a cheaper, more efficient fuel source.
    The railroad lowers its rates for freight shipping.
    Coal and natural gas supplies become scarce.

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  • What is one ADVANTAGE to saving money IN A BANK instead of keeping it at home?

    Money kept at a bank is easier to access.
    Money kept at a bank earns interest.
    Money kept at a bank will not be affected by inflation.
    Money kept at a bank will not be affected by deflation.

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  • “A City of ruins, of desolation, of vacant houses, of widowed women, of rotting wharves, of deserted warehouses—acres of pitiful and voiceless barrenness—that is Charleston.” The news report BEST SUPPORTS which statement?

    Southern cities saw some of the worst destruction during the Civil War.
    During the Civil War rural areas in the South suffered.
    The destruction of cities had little effect on the progress of the Civil War.
    The Civil War had little effect on the city life in the North.

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  • The four locations indicated on the map are

    capitals of highly industrialized nations.
    the world’s four most densely populated cities.
    areas of highest elevation.
    religious centers.

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  • People from many different countries live in New York City. Children speaking many different languages attend its public schools. This is mainly because New York City

    has an efficient transportation system.
    has a higher wage rate than other United States cities.
    is a port of entry for people from other parts of the world.
    is the site of the United Nations headquarters.

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©2006 gabe lerner (gabe)