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  • Which of the following values of x makes the proportion below true?


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  • Mitchell works in a bakery and makes cookies. He wants to use a recipe for butterscotch cookies that requires three teaspoons of salt to make ten dozen cookies. Which of these could Mitchell use to determine x, the teaspoons of salt required for thirty dozen cookies?

    x, the teaspoons of salt required for thirty dozen cookies?

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  • What value of x would make the following proportion true?


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  • The instructions on a container of plant fertilizer read, “Mix 2 tablespoons of fertilizer in 3 quarts of water.” After Alfred had made a 3-quart mixture, he accidentally spilled about 7 tablespoons of fertilizer into the mixture. How many MORE quarts of water should he add in order to keep the mixture correct?

    10 1/2 quarts
    13 1/2 quarts
    21 quarts
    23 quarts

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