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Explanation of my label "Poster"

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  • These "posters" have evolved over many years, beginning with slides or transparencies from various talks or workshops I gave. as an early I.T. executive and Founder of SIM in the 1960's. When I started the LLF in our home in 1984, I began expanding/collecting them for reference or use in that forum.. Then I started a version of this Forum for SIM, @ their request, and subsequently lead/created/architected that version [at first called "Chapter Hosted Learning Forum, now  called Regional Learning Forum] for 6 years. At the same time I began doing Forums internally for clients, & started calling these documents "posters", because we put flip chart size versions of those posters used in that agenda, up on the wall during the entire session! I never changed the reference. And also never changed their order unless I re-did one completely, because  I remembered each one's location..  Thus there are c.600 available today covering many topics/ideas, not arranged logically [ I often  still know their location].

    I'm busy  labeling them more accurately,  and adding an explanation of use/linkage/potential" build-on", that should be useful for others to benefit from that long and still evolving experience.

    Hopefully in the context of the surrounding materials/connections/ history here, that value will be large!

©2006 Dick Dooley (TDGIncInfo)