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  • The graph represents the cost of renting a car from Bulldog Rent-A-Car.  Based on the graph, if y represents the total cost of the rental and x represents the
    total number of miles driven, which of these equations could be used to determine
    the total cost of renting a car from Bulldog Rent-A-Car?

    y = 0.15x + 50
    y = 50x + 0.15
    y = 6.67x + 50
    y = 50x + 6.67

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  • The following box-and-whisker plot represents the grades students received on a recent mathematics test. What was the median score on the test?


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  • What is the y-intercept for the graph of the equation 3x – 5y = 15?


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  • What is the distance between points M (–3, –1) and N (2, 3) on the graph below?

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  • Which of the following represents the graph of the equation shown?

    y = –x2 + 2

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  • Two lines in a coordinate plane have no points of intersection. Which of these could be the equations of the lines?

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  • In which of these graphs is y a function of x?

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  • Which line graph appears to contain the points listed on the table shown?

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  • A certain rectangle has its vertices at P(1, 0), Q(1, 3), R(4, 3), and S(4, 0) in the
    coordinate plane. Which is the equation of the line containing the segment PR?

    y = −x +1
    y = −x −1
    y = x +1
    y = x −1

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  • Line p passes through point (2, 5) and is perpendicular to the line whose equation is y = 2x + 3. Which equation describes the graph of line p?

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