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The Power of Advisories

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  • This link takes you to The Education Alliance at Brown University's publication catalog. For now, just have a look. In the next section you will be asked to download at no cost the "Changing Systems to Personalize Learning - The Power of Advisories" .pdf files to your own hard drive.
    created by Sinnerio

  • If you like, now download the entire Power of Advisories document -- it is 174 pages long. Also, you will note that there several pdf files that are separate sections of the document. You can download and and print these as you find them useful (rather than print the entire 174 pages!). Begin at the beginning: read the "Why Advisories and Research About Advisories" pages.


    Next, create your own section and list what NEEDS you think your students have that advisories might address.

    created by Sinnerio

  • If you have answered the first question about student needs, now brainstorm a little bit about what PURPOSES Advisories might have to meet the needs of your students. For example, if one of the needs is that students feel isolated, one purpose might be "to build better relationships between students and between students and teachers. Go ahead and brainstorm a list of purposes from your perspective, then read carefully the  section of the Power of Advisories document on PURPOSE, the idea being to brainstorm first, then see what others think.  Remember to create your next section and title it PURPOSE.

  • Now that you have a deeper understanding of the importance of PURPOSE, try writing a brief, 200-500 word essay on what you think are the four most important purposes for an advisory program in your school.  Note: It is important to read the answers to this question from other members of the group.  Eventuallly we will build a working consensus in the group around a set of COMMON PURPOSES to propose to other stakeholders in the school, such as students, parents, teachers, etc.  Go ahead, give it a try and remember to check on what other folks wrote.  Anyone can start a thread of conversation to build understanding, so don't forget to keep track of both what others say that you can identify with, as well as any apparent "disconnects" regarding things you may disagree with or need more information about.  Go to it!!
  • ESSAY ON ADVISORY PURPOSE: Please write your essay as a Microsoft Word or .rtf document and attach it as a file in your next section.
©2006 Gregg Sinner (Sinnerio)