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OR - 2005 - Reading - Grade 5

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  • Why did the old man leave the shoes for Joseph?

    He knew Joseph needed new shoes.
    He wanted Joseph to hide the shoes.
    He wanted Joseph to dance in the shoes.
    He knew Joseph would pay him for the shoes.

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  • Why did Joseph hide the shoes?

    He knew they were wet and needed to dry.
    He knew they were the wrong color for him.
    He wanted to keep them safe until he grew into them.
    He wanted to keep them safe because they were worth a lot of money.

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  • Which one of these things happened first?

    The old man appeared on the shore.
    Joseph danced with the people in his village.
    Joseph saw that the world around him danced.
    The old man disappeared and left a gift behind.

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  • Why does the author include natural elements in the story such as fire, wind, clouds and waves?

    To show how distracted Joseph gets when he works
    To help the reader imagine what the village looks like
    To show how dangerous it can be to live by the Baltic Sea
    To help the reader imagine the different ways the world dances

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  • What is the main theme of this story?

    Dreams can come true if people really believe in them.
    A person should never tell others about his or her dream.
    To make a dream come true, a person must leave his or her town.
    To make a dream come true, people should wear the right clothes.

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  • This article tells you that the cars are “propelled by alcohol or gasoline.” When used this way, the word propelled means

    made larger.
    made to move.
    kept clean.

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  • What does the author say the “real test” is?

    Speed and timing
    Speed and luck
    A good car and fast pit crew
    The ability to drive for eight miles

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  • How often do accidents happen at junior drag race meets, according to the author?

    Frequently, but they usually aren’t serious
    In about 10 percent of the races
    Rarely, because safety is stressed
    Never, but accidents do happen in adult races

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  • What does the article say about why kids like to get into racing?

    They can become famous.
    The prize money is good.
    Five hundred racers competed in the last National Championships.
    The sport is fun and exciting.

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  • Authors often want to have readers react in certain ways upon reading their work. Which of the following is the author of this passage trying to persuade readers to believe after reading this article?

    That junior drag racing is fun and exciting
    That junior drag racing is only fun for a few special people
    That they should be afraid to try junior drag racing
    That they will not have enough information to know if they like the idea of junior drag racing or not

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  • Which statement is true about the way that the chart is arranged?

    It is arranged alphabetically by animal.
    It is arranged by the age of the animals.
    It is arranged by the kind of animal that the author liked best.
    It is arranged by the number of hours each one sleeps.

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  • According to the chart, which statement is true about giraffes?

    They usually sleep more than elephants.
    They never sleep in the daytime.
    They sleep less than many animals.
    They always look out for enemies.

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  • What does the chart say about bullfrogs?

    Bullfrogs never sleep in their entire lives.
    Bullfrogs hibernate in winter.
    It’s hard to tell if a bullfrog is asleep or awake.
    Bullfrogs can’t sleep because of the shape of their eyes.

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  • Which of the statements below is true about this story?

    It is nonfiction because it tells about real people and gives real information.
    It is called fiction because the reader doesn’t know for sure if the children are famous or not.
    It is like a play because the children say some things in the story.
    It is a fantasy because it has names like Castle Park and Chula Vista, which means “beautiful view.”

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  • Theme is a larger meaning in a story. What could be a theme in this story?

    One should avoid travel because it is very dangerous.
    Although it is often not easy, people usually get used to new things.
    Knowing many languages will help anyone as they grow older.
    Most neighborhoods are unfriendly, so it is better to stay in your own neighborhood.

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  • The second paragraph of this story tells you that the idea of a new school was overwhelming to Cinthya. This means that Cinthya was feeling


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  • Which of the statements below is an opinion?

    This seems to him like a bad dream.
    Now, at age twelve, she gets straight A’s in most of her all-English classes and is completely fluent in both languages.
    For instance, when recently trying to say “turkey” in Spanish to one of his Mexican cousins, he couldn’t recall the word until after she had left.
    “Every morning I cried hard, because I didn’t want to go to school.”

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  • Authors write for many different reasons. The purpose of this story is probably

    to teach kids about life in Mexico.
    to let us know that there are lots of bilingual students.
    to show some problems of bilingual kids.
    to introduce readers to the Spanish language.

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  • Why was the apple room a good place for wasps?

    It was nice and cool.
    It was dark and damp.
    It was seldom bothered.
    It contained plenty of food.

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  • Why does Jenny shake out the sack?

    To look for wasps
    To ventilate the stuffy room
    To cover the broken window
    To get rid of left over apple parts

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  • The author describes a “thing that had been built within the concealment of the folds…” What does concealment mean?


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  • How would Jenny most likely feel at the end of the story?

    Cold and lazy
    Tired and sleepy
    Hot and irritated
    Afraid and surprised

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  • The author tells the story from whose point of view?

    A wasp
    Philippa Pearce

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  • What is the literary form of The Nest?

    Folk tale
    Science fiction
    Realistic fiction

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©2006 gabe lerner (gabe)