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  • Many Native Americans, living in the Pacific Northwest before European settlers arrived, lived on the Pacific Coast. What was their typical form of transportation?

    Canoes or dugouts
    Dog sleds
    Wagons and carts

    created by State of Oregon

  • Which of the following is an example of “all men are created equal” during colonial times?

    The King should assign people’s jobs.
    The King should make laws for the people.
    Every person has a right to choose his own job.
    Rich people could help the King make laws.

    created by State of Oregon

  • A loyalist during the Revolutionary War may have participated in which of these activities?

    Speaking in support of the English King
    Housing patriot soldiers
    Writing a pamphlet protesting the Stamp Act
    Joining the Continental Army

    created by State of Oregon

  • A DIRECT cause of the American Revolution was

    being taxed by England without representation.
    the repeal of the Stamp Act by England.
    the need for more farmland to the west.
    losing the French and Indian War.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Read the text and answer the next question. The main purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to

    tell why the colonies were breaking away from Great Britain.
    make the King give more money to the colonies.
    encourage more colonists to become Minute Men.
    give the King a chance to apologize.

    created by State of Oregon

  • The Indian Removal Act of 1830 relocated the Native Americans west of the Mississippi River. Which choice best describes a reason the United States government might have given for the act.

    Treaties were negotiated with the Native Americans.
    The land in the East was not good for farming.
    The Native Americans demanded relocation to the West.
    The Supreme Court ruled it was constitutional.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Which of the following was a result of “Manifest Destiny”?

    United States went to war with Mexico.
    Slaves were emancipated, set free.
    Population of the Northern states increased.
    United States went to war with Great Britain.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Use the cartoon/illustration to answer the following question. The person on the right represents

    the Patriots in the Revolutionary War.
    the Confederacy in the Civil War.
    the United States in the Mexican War.
    the Union in the Civil War.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Use the cartoon/illustration to answer the following question. The person on the left represents

    the Confederacy in the Civil War.
    the United States in the Spanish-American War.
    the Loyalists in the Revolutionary War.
    the Union in the Civil War.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Use the graphs to answer the next question. According to the pie graphs, what is true about the resources of the North and South in the United States in 1861?

    The North and South had equal populations.
    The South had more railroad track than the North.
    The North produced 71% of all manufactured goods; the South 29%.
    The North had more industry than the South.

    created by State of Oregon