If you were interested in reading a magazine article about hairstyles to wear in the evening, which magazine would be best?
New York Times Magazine
Harpers Bazaar
How many articles about Halley's comet appeared in the October issue of Sky and Telescope?
If you wanted to photograph Halley's comet, which of the following articles would be most useful?
"Halley's Comet" in Popular Science
"Sighting a Cosmic Celebrity" in Time
"Here Comes Mr. Halley's Comet" in Omni
"Halley's Comet in Stereo" in Sky and Telescope
Who is Christopher Marshall?
He writes stories for this magazine.
He’s a magician.
He’s Claudia Cangilla McAdam’s brother.
There is no way to know.
What would you find on page 55?
A puzzle
Letters from readers
A poem
On what page does the story about kites by Jane Yolen start?
Page 33
Page 40
Page 42
According to the chart, “Where new smokers come from,” which statement is true of adult smokers?
1993 had one of the lowest rates on the chart.
More adults smoked in 1988 than in 1976.
The lowest rate occurred in 1989.
Fewer adults smoked in 1985 than in 1989.
According to the chart, "Where new smokers come from," which statement is true of high school seniors?
The smoking rate hit an all-time low in 1990.
Only about 20 percent smoked in 1984.
Seniors usually smoked for only 30 days.
Smoking increased after 1992.
The "Ad dollars and teen smokers" chart suggests that
at least 24 percent of the citizens of the United States smoke.
Camel and Newport spend about the same amount of money on advertising.
Marlboro has over half the market share of teenage smokers.
Kool doesn't advertise to teenagers.
On this chart, the salt marsh creatures you see most of are the
clapper rails.
gem clams.
western sandpipers.