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  • Which situation is an example of bartering?

    Choosing a free kitten from an animal center
    Buying a candy bar at a grocery store
    Washing Pat's car while Pat mows your lawn
    Giving Terry a book as a birthday present

    created by State of Oregon

  • As the price of gasoline increases in Oregon, motorists will probably

    begin to use more gasoline.
    begin to use less gasoline.
    use the same amount of gasoline.
    completely stop driving cars.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Josh owns the rookie card of a famous baseball player. Josh bought the card when the player was not very famous and it cost only $2. Now his friend Eric wants to buy the card from him because he can’t find one anywhere else. Josh sells it for $20. What is the most likely reason the card now sells for $20?

    When the supply is high, the price goes down.
    When the supply is high, the price stays the same.
    When the supply is low, the price is zero.
    When the supply is low, the price goes up.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Why are people sometimes considered to be a resource?

    People’s labor is exchanged for wages or salaries.
    People can buy houses and pay rent.
    People have children and pets.
    People trade goods and supplies.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Which of these is NOT an example of international trade?

    The United States buying olives from Greece
    The United States buying bananas from Honduras
    The United States buying pineapples from Hawaii
    The United States buying kiwis from Australia

    created by State of Oregon

  • Use the cartoon to answer the next question. Review the diagram and select the character who is going to make a decision that DOES NOT lead to earning a higher salary in later years.

    I think I will attend college out of state.
    I’m going to skip 6th and 7th period classes again and go home.
    I am going to study so I can raise my GPA to a 3.1 this term.
    I think I will take a computer class after school.

    created by State of Oregon

  • What factor is MOST likely to determine the actual amount of a worker’s wage or salary?

    The requests of the worker
    The rate of inflation for the entire economy
    The demand for the worker’s ability and skills
    The value of the worker's skills to the government

    created by State of Oregon

  • In some parts of ancient Africa, salt and gold were of the same value. This meant that some merchants would trade one pound of salt for one pound of gold. Why was salt so valuable?

    There was a large amount of salt available and few people needed it.
    There was not much salt available and many people needed it.
    There was not much salt available and few people needed it.
    There was a large amount of salt available and many people needed it.

    created by State of Oregon

  • What is one ADVANTAGE to saving money IN A BANK instead of keeping it at home?

    Money kept at a bank is easier to access.
    Money kept at a bank earns interest.
    Money kept at a bank will not be affected by inflation.
    Money kept at a bank will not be affected by deflation.

    created by State of Oregon

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