Protection Warriors are preferred tanks such as endgame

In this article,"Retail" refers to the present version of the game,"Classic" identifies the new servers Blizzard found in late August, and"Vanilla" identifies the original wow classic gold game and related experiences from 2004 onwards. References to Vanilla are historic references.

I have played World of Warcraft since well before the game started. I joined the Closed Beta just. I briefly played a Paladin, but finally wound up maining a Warlock and hit Lvl 60 prior to the game launched. I wrote extensively on Warlocks at the moment, but once WoW had actually sent I decided I'd rather try course and a new job and rolled a Paladin on Zul'jin.

I have tested the game(s) by leveling a Paladin in both Retail and in Classic. I remember the first Paladin leveling experience in Classic, and I wanted to use a class I had been familiar with in the two variations of the game. Paladins aren't the fastest levelers in Classic, but they have survivability. They're also effective at meeting all three of their game's primary roles (DPS, recovery, tanking) while trimming in both Classic and Retail. Protection Warriors are preferred tanks such as endgame raiding in Classic, but for leveling, all of the hybrid types (Druid, Shaman, Paladin) have recovery, DPS, and tanking options.

My aim with this collection of articles would be to compare the leveling and match encounter between Classic and Retail, without taking advantage of some of the additional bonuses Retail players can use to level faster. Retail WoW offers Heirloom gear -- items that increase in amount every time that you do. Several of those items also increase the total amount of experience you get buy gold classic wow. My playthrough does not use these products. Equipment is not crafted by me because of my Retail Paladin using a different character. This usually means that my Paladin won't level as quickly as a Retail player with alts is very likely today, to par. My goal, however, is not to compare the experience of playing WoW together with a lot of alts, but to compare the way the game plays and feels with a brand new player experiencing the game for the first time in both variations. I've met people in Classic and Retail undergoing WoW for the first time in 2019.

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