Group Blog / Announcements

Maymay on Jun 11 | Be the first to comment!

Ivan will then OSRS Items arrive, saying he tricked you all along, and that he used your skills and cash to get him into the realm and 3rd age plate. He'll then attack you. He's level 670 and can strike around 30, usally hitting 10s. The realms effects on people causes a poisin liek effect hitting 9 harm every 40 seconds. Thes impacts ivan,so use this on your advantge. You've got 10 special potions and they protect you. You can choose saradomin, zamorak, and choose neither. You must have an entire godbook to create a decision otherwise your stuck in theere until you die. To get saradomin.

You dash and attackzamorak. He's level 1080 and can be exremely strong,hitting 99s without the protection of this potion. Once you defeat zamorak saradomin will thank you however saradomin wll be balsted apart from guthix who then desrtoys everytihng.You will finish saradomin can help by healingup at a rs classic like location. Open the chest to find a bronze sword and wood sheild. Then you will be hauled to thew destryed airplane summoner and the sword and sheild will be a saradominblade and saradomin shield. Together they have a unique which can heal you 50 hp.

It takes away all of your special bar and your special bar recharges in 8 mins after. In the event you chooose zamorak afterward he'll help you ruin saradomin who is level 990 zamorak will help greatly. Afterwards guthix will come and zamroak will attempt to carry him down only to be banished to a cage. Zamorak provides you his armor before disapearing and you'll be hauled to the plane summoner. Zamoraks armor is even better compared to 3rd age and can be used by mage, variety warrior alike.

If you choose to do nothing afterward Wise old guy will appear, scold you and attempt to stop the insanity before being taken down. Guthix will appear before you and let you help him. You must now struggle equally sardomin and zamorak but guthix is powerful and will help offensivey and recovery. It still is a Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold challenging batlle. Guthix will then erase everything and yu is going to end up in a classic like world and someone will utilize a cracker on you.