Top 3 Things to Remember when Moving to Study Abroad

The chance to study abroad doesn’t come very often, but when it does, it’s always a blessing. One of the best times to travel is while you’re still a student – you haven’t purchased your home, settled into a career, or started your family yet. When you do, you may not have many opportunities to explore the world.



While you shouldn’t pass up the opportunity to study away from home, you should definitely be sure that you’re completely prepared for the logistics and challenges that come along with it. It’s a rewarding experience – as long as all of your ducks are in a row.

1. Learn the Culture of the Area

Culture shock might be good for you, but you don’t want to be caught hopelessly unaware. If you’re going to a place where many people won’t speak the same language as you, this is something you should look into before you relocate. Knowing the customs and etiquette of the area can keep you from feeling like an outcast when you arrive. You’ll settle in faster and be able to focus on your education.

2. Moving Abroad is Complicated

You need your studying equipment to study. You can’t take your desk and all of your books on the plane with you. Unless you intend to purchase all new furniture after you arrive, you’re going to need to figure out how to get your stuff from point A to point B. It’s a little complicated, but it’s possible. Perhaps you can enlist the help of a transport company like PACK & SEND to ship your heavier things ahead of your arrival. You can always purchase smaller things like toiletries and personal care items when you arrive.

3. You Need to Make Study Buddies

Making friends in a new country can seem a little difficult and scary, but with the right attitude, it’s relatively easy. There are a lot of ways to meet people in a new place, and one of the easiest ways to expand your social circle is by locating other expats from the same country who are also studying abroad. These people might be able to introduce you to people they’ve met during their stay. If not, you have someone to go to community places with, and you can meet new people together.

Don’t let intimidation get the better of you when you have a chance to do something life changing and ambitious. It’s perfectly natural to feel a little nervous, but it’s important to remember that students study abroad all the time. Put on your bravest face and embrace the unknown. You never know where your academic adventures will take you.  


xukaimin on Sep 15

xukaimin on Dec 21