Human Arch Studios arise today that OSRS gold two new maps for Rune are now attainable for download. The aboriginal map, alleged DM-Sanctum, is a about-face of the aloft map that can be actuate in both Unreal and Quake III. The bold was advised to abode to pen-and-paper role-playing bold players.
The added map, DM-Rotarena, is a baby one-on-one annual bout map breadth players activity in a alternating arena. Both maps can be downloaded from the articulation below. For added advice about Rune, anatomy a accessory at our all-embracing analysis of the game.
Shrapnel Amateur has arise that its latest role-playing game, RuneSword II, has gone gold and will abode on September 28. It includes two amore single-player adventures, four mini-adventures, an adventitious architecture set, and an automated accidental adventitious generator.
In addition, the bold includes a array of monsters, traps, abracadabra items, and non-player characters. In the game, players will actualize and comedy as a actualization from one of 13 races, and they can adapt their characters with added than 35 adapted skills.
RuneSword II was developed by buy OSRS GP Crosscut Games, the aggregation that created the aboriginal RuneSword game. The bold is now attainable for preorder for $39.95 on the official Shrapnel Amateur Web site.