Group Blog / Announcements

LaNita Kirby (kirbyl) on Nov 03 | 153 comments

Revision, to some, is a four-letter word. 

Some simply don't want to bother with it, because it DOES take time.  Many simply don't want to make the investment. 

Carefully and cognitively "re-seeing" one's topic and its possibilities often frustrates the new writer, especially the incoming freshman at a post-secondary institution.  Exacerbated by timelines and too many choices, in general, the new writer simply can't begin to start "rethinking and re-seeing" a piece of writing that was, in many cases, dashed off the fingertips at the last minute anyway.

 Masters and apprentices have different view on revision--including whether there's a "right" way to write out a revision process that is workable for all--no matter his or her level of expertise.  


What are your own personal preferences, and why are they "preferences" (assuming, of course, that you prefer to select from many strategies in order to revise your work)?
