As the Combat Pure, you always must determine at beginning which abilities are more vital to Buy OSRS Gold your character compared to those of the other. Suppressing some of the skills greatly reduces the level of combat for your character that makes it easier to take out.
It is not advisable to complete your melee skills too quick because it could affect the ability of you to strike in large amounts, and it can give your opponent ample time to recover fitness through food.
That's why defence, hitpoints and Prayer abilities are typically the ones with a lower in importance. It's not easy to figure out which skills are the most crucial, so it's up to the players which ones to keep low and which ones to maximize. If you're deciding to go with it, remember that the lower your skill level is, the simpler enemies you will be able to take on, and , consequently, the more successful you'll be.
In terms of the stat that is most censored, it is usually Defence but it is not required to play PVP. The higher the defense levels, the less your chance to land an attack that is successful. But, it doesn't decrease the amount of damage you'll cause.
This is also the reason for your capacity to RS Gold 2007 wear equipment. You'll not be able to wear a high-quality armour or helmet if it doesn't meet the Defense level requirement. This is the most important part since better equipment can reduce the amount of damage that you take.