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beirthionghadynad on Apr 16 | Be the first to comment!

The Whizzinator: My Personal Review - Bridge of Hope


The Whizzinator synthetic urine device can help you pass drug tests with flying colors. With lifelike prosthetic, syringe, and heat pads for use as urine samples, this synthetic urine solution makes for an excellent way to fake an urine sample and pass.

It comes complete with a comprehensive instruction manual to ensure optimal results, such as a list of ingredients and useful advice to prevent detection.

It’s easy to use

The Whizzinator is a user-friendly device, making drug testing simpler. It includes a medical-grade pouch, lifelike prosthetic, elastic belt, syringe, refill port and heat pads - everything needed to prepare for drug tests! Simply combine synthetic urine with bottled water before injecting it into the pouch before heating pading to reach desired body temperatures for more authentic results.

Whizzinator prosthetics feature an easy on/off valve at its tip that can be opened or closed with one hand, making the device user-friendly and effective at passing drug tests. Simply turn either way to begin flowing SYNTHETIC PEE through, while there's also a handy syringe included to refill with more. Although Whizzinators is easy to use and may help pass drug tests more easily than ever, if used illegally or unethically there may be serious repercussions; always remain aware of the law when using The Whizzinator responsibly! Individuals who wish to know FAKE PEE, they can visit here.

It’s comfortable

The Whizzinator is an ingenious device for passing urine tests using synthetic urine, featuring a belt around your waist and legs, a pouch with fake penis attached, and a syringe - giving it a highly realistic appearance while providing lasting use.

If you plan to use a Whizzinator, it is crucial that you learn how to wear it correctly. Failing to do so could get you caught by probation officers looking out for suspicious movements; therefore, make sure you practice before your test. Whizzinator can be purchased via e-commerce websites and comes complete with a medical-grade pouch, lifelike prosthetic, elastic belt, syringe, and organic heating pads. In addition, Golden Showe

beirthionghadynad on Dec 15 | Be the first to comment!

The Original Whizzinator Touch - A Realistic Looking Synthetic Urine System

The Whizzinator is a product that allows people to drug tests. The device looks like a prosthetic penis and contains synthetic urine. It also comes with a pouch for holding the sample and heater packs to keep it at body temperature.


Whizzinator is a fake urine dispenser that aims to fool urinalysis tests by simulating real male peeing. It comes complete with a life-like prosthetic penis and a fake urine reservoir that can hold up to 15ml of synthetic pee. It also has a pressure belt and fill port for the most realistic flow possible. Its ultra-quiet flow system is easily activated with one hand and it can be used for hours. While the Whizzinator itself is goofy, its bigger point is a sobering one: the fact that it’s legal to sell devices like this shows how deeply we’ve lost our way in the war on drugs.


The whizzinator is a device that allows users to drug tests by substituting fake urine for their own. It is available in a variety of skin-tones and includes a heater pack to keep the urine at body temperature, a fake penis, and instructions. It is a popular choice among people who want to avoid getting caught in a lie. However, this product is not legal and is not recommended for use in a real-life situation. One user warned that the Whizzinator can make a clicking noise when activated and suggested that this sound should be masked with a cough or similar action.


The whizzinator is a prank device that simulates the action of male urine. It consists of an artificial penis and a bag filled with synthetic urine. Its primary use is to a drug test, and it has been used by many people. However, the prank can be ruined if the fake urine is not of good quality. Whizzinator pranks are fun to play on friends. You can even prank your friends in public, such as on the sidewalk or in a park. Just make sure to do it with caution and only on willing participants. Otherwise, you might end up with a lot of irritated pals! Individuals with expectations to know about WHIZZINATOR and other details can feel free to visit here.


In the early days of the internet, the Whizzinator was a hot seller among those who wanted to their drug tests. It was a toy and a device for passing urine drug tests. Luckily, the maker of the product found a loophole in the law: they marketed it as an adult novelty item. The Whizzinator became famous after it was found in the luggage of former NFL player Onterrio Smith. The NFL requires players to take frequent drug tests. The Whizzinator is a fake plastic penis that carries synthetic urine to fool a lab specialist