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In the field, particularly the outfield, players move like actual humans with inertia, so if you don't get a jump on a fly ball or take the wrong path when playing a ball off the wall, you might find yourself giving the baserunner extra time or even make a costly error. Like the hitting mechanics, this never feels unfair or overly difficult, thanks in part to controls that reward practice and responsiveness.
There are distinct differences in each control layout, and finding which one is best for you may be time consuming. Once you go through and choose which control fits you best, there are actually a lot of tutorial screens you’ll be aching to get through just to play a full game of baseball. When you learn the controls, however, you will notice that they work quite well. With multi-directional hitting, several different throws, and numerous angles that you can set your player to play, getting that perfect hit or home run is going to take some practice.
MLB The Show 19 franchise Mode is still fairly customizable, and you can automate almost everything to the point where you're more of a disembodied observer than an active participant, but it also comes off like it's the least important game mode. With the excision of the online version, it also seems like it could be on its way out. Even though I'm not inclined to play Franchise over Road to the Show or Diamond Dynasty, it's still an important option and shouldn't fall by the wayside.
Road to the Show is the popular single-player career mode in which your character begins in the minors and eventually can move up to the majors. Along the way attributes are improved upon and new skills are obtained. With MLB The Show 19, the mode has taken what could be perceived as a turn toward more realism, but in the process has sacrificed freedom and potentially some fun.
For the uninitiated, Diamond Dynasty has you collect virtual baseball cards. If you have a player card, you can put him in your lineup and use him to your heart content. Each card has a designation and rating, from diamond (the top level) to common (the bottom). You're not limited to active players, either. Through playing the various game modes within DD (online and offline), you can complete missions and earn more cards to bolster your lineup, including legends and specialty versions of current stars.