Reader Samantha said, “I’m interested in purchasing a vintage Louis Vuitton (either a NOE drawstring bag or a Frame bag). I’d rather buy it second hand than pay the full price. I was looking on Ebay but how do you know they are real (anyone can emboss a serial number on a bag). Can you suggest any trusted vendors on Ebay or consignment stores in NY that have nice LV bags?”This is actually a great question. A few years ago, I was the unfortunate victim of an Ebay scam artist who sold me a ‘Louis Vuitton’ Epi Leather wallet whose price was too good to be true. I received it and it was obvious it was a fake…but by the time I realized I’d been bamboozled, the seller’s profile was gone. It was a tough lesson, but now I know better.
If you want to avoid Ebay scams, you have to be vigilante about getting what you want–and what you pay for. A few tips:Does it have a D-ring or not? Silver or gold plate? Make sure the bag you’re viewing on Ebay is 100% like the one you see on the brand’s official website. Real bags have leather handles and trim, sharp print quality, and LV studs inside and out. Study coach factory outlet online the pictures closely…but know that sellers can put up fake or stock photos in order to fool you. coach purses outlet Which leads us to…
A lot of Ebay scammers can simply use stock photos from a brand’s website to include in their write up. Ask the seller for their own personal pictures–and request detailed shots of the front, back, bottom, inside, etc. Try to see if the pictures are coach outlet online taken inside someone’s home, for instance, instead of in a studio. If the seller is hesitant, move on.Authentic designer bags are almost always going to cost you between $400-$1,000 coach handbags outlet and up, so if you see them for $300 or anything that seems a little too sweet, beware. Very used vintage bags will probably net the best price, but anything lightly used or somewhat current will still cost you a coach outlet online pretty penny.
Read the seller’s feedback and see coach outlet what people say about their business. Read all the reviews–both positive and negative–and see how the seller responds to negative ratings. Also be sure all the positive feedback isn’t from coach outlet online one person, in one area. It’s also a good idea for the seller to have a return policy in case you’re ultimately not pleased with the bag.
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