Group Blog / Announcements

Emogened93 on Dec 06 | Be the first to comment!

Time constraints

Adult learners will find it difficult to balance between their tight schedules. This is because they have so much to do. Most of them have family obligations, career duties and other social responsibilities to attend to. This makes it difficult to commit solely to education. If you do not plan your time well, you will end up with conflicting schedules and some of your responsibility areas will suffer greatly. You can avoid this by planning ahead of time and sticking to your schedule. Taking leave from work might also be helpful.

Financial constraints

Sometimes because of the financial obligations to family adult learners may lack sufficient funds to pay their tuition fees. This can be stressful and many adults have had to forfeit their education so that their children have the best. You can ask your institution to allow you to pay the fees in installments. You can also ask for financial and training support from your employer.


Balanced social life

It is the desire of all adults to have a balanced life and fulfill all their responsibilities. As an adult learner you might find it difficult to keep up with your social calendar. Assignments may take up all your leisure time. With example of bibliography and dissertations to write, adult learners may have very little time to spend with family and friends. You need to set aside at least two hours a week during which you can just hang out with family and friends. You can also make your loved ones come to your place so that you reduce amount of travel. If you do not do this you might risk losing your loved ones by the end of your course. These are just but a few challenges that you may expect as an adult learner.