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  • The article briefly discusses Cruise's relationship with the media. How would you summarize it?

    He used to be very open and forthcoming but since meeting Katie he has kept to himself.
    He used to be very private but since meeting Katie he has been more open and forthcoming.
    He has always been talkative about his life and relationships and has always worn a  broad smile.
    He has used to be extremely private about his personal life and he remains that way.

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  • Note the two passages from the news article: (1)  "During the Oprah Winfrey's US TV show in May he jumped up and down on the sofa shouting "I'm in love!"  and (2) "Cruise's sister and publicist Lee Anne DeVette confirmed the news."

    Which information appears  first in the article?

    2 comes first, then 1
    1 comes first, then 2
    It doesn't matter
    They appear in the same place in the article

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  • How long did Tom and Katie date before they announced their engagement?

    2 months
    6 months 
    1 year
    2 years

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  • In a newspaper editorial related to this story, the author stated: 'Hundreds, possibly thousands of people every year propose marriage on top of the Eiffel Tower. It is perhaps surprising that Tom Cruise did not come up with something more original.'

    The previous statement was a/an ___________.

    I don't care

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  • (section not yet implemented)
  • Asana Sanskrit Name
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