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  • I usually take core greens in the morning after Breakfast and again mid afternoon and most early evenings.  I was told the other evening that I should not be taking it close to the times I have eaten, that I should take it at least 1 hour after meals &/or 1 hour before meals?  Is this true?  I have never read anything about this and it does not say this on the jar?
    Are there any other restrictions &/or things I should be doing to get the most out of this product?
    The reason people tell you to keep COREgreens away from food is because it is a giant bottle of antacid.  If you are eating high water content vegetarian meals then you can drink it right through with no problem.  If you are eating meat keep it away from the meal, particulary after the meal as it will reduce the stomach acid needed to digest proteins.
    In general -  eat when you eat and drink between meals - not with meals.  If you drink between meals you will have enough saliva and digestive enzymes to digest the meal.

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