A TDG,Inc Executive Vignette


                         63 Leadership Questions.

    Excellent for a moment, now & then, of  reflection

Why do you think we are we talking here today?
Who am I?What do I seek?What do I fear?What do I crave?Where do I fit in this world?Why am I here?Why me?
What skills am I missing?What are my strengths?What do others consistently say about me?What am I doing wrong?
Who have I profoundly influenced for the better?Who have I helped recently?
Which employees have I not reached?
Who has not advanced or developed? Have I told them? Have I affected them? Have I reached them?
Where can I connect someone to their passion?Who is indebted to me?
When have I been ahead of circumstances?When have circumstanced gotten ahead of me?
Do I address people early enough to prevent events from getting away from me?
Do I know when people are working against me?Do I know when people have the same interests as me?Have I ever been blindsided? What did I fail to see?
Do I know who is good at technical skills? How do I know?
Do I know who is good at staying ahead of events? How do I know this?
Do I know who is better than me at detecting these things? Do I seek them out?
What have I learned recently?What is my lifelong learning plan?Who are my mentors?
Do I find reasons why things are difficult?Do I find traps?
Do I have the skills to manage these traps?Do I have doubts? How do I deal with my doubts?Do I dislike what my leaders are doing? How do I handle this?
What percent of my day is spent wondering why versus why not?
What is greatness/excellence?What does greatness/excellence demand from me?Do I want greatness/excellence?
When will I know I have achieved greatness/excellence?
Can I be better than I ever thought I could be?Do I have the perserverance for excellence?
What are the limits to my potential?How much can I endure?
Can I be better than anyone?Can I compete with anyone?Can I do whatever it takes?
Can I overcome any obstacle?Can I trust and rely on others to help me?
How do I help others achieve greatness?
Am I happy?Do I like myself?What am I becoming?Am I nervuous about what I am becoming?




Vince Kellen                                                                                   2-6-07

VP&CIO DePaul University                                        The Dooley Group